new meaning.......

euphoric confusion..... how can u be happily confused, i guess u'll just have to read on
Posted by
9:34 AM
Im going through a whole negativity thingy........ boring as ass......... ( thanks paula, she the queen of ass). Its probably just one of my phases.... Uz know, life up and down wat......
im ok, nda jua, ok jua........
but like ive said before, I need to go through bad times to appreciate the good what.... And Im cynical in the way that, if its going too good for too long, it jus might have to drop for a while... so this too will pass
I was talking to jenny yesterday, and she said something that i think relates to why I left the band, I peaked with them, and now im looking at doing, bigger things. Yeah....... thats it..... Im feeling that.... I wanna be doing different things now I guess.... Different kinda shows......
another thing I always ask is, when does having good manners go too far and crosses over to lying? Jenny has finally solved this for me........ When it MATTERS.....
Its so true, if its someone that u meet for the first time, or someone uve known for a while but arent close to, ie an aquaintance, some of things u say are just said cause GOOD MANNERS have been drilled into ur head.... like if they talking bout something that bores the hell outta u, u pretend to be interested right, GOOD MANNERS..........
If its one of CLOSE CLOSE friends, its a whole different ballgame.... hahaha. But then we have the DAMNITICANTTELLTHEMTHETRUTHCAUSEIDONTWANNAHURTHEM category..... or cause u believe they don need to know.......
Different people have different principles, like some chicks I know, as soon as they hear, read carefully, i said HEAR some shit bout their friends significant other, they alredi SMSing or dialling to tell stories, they also like to add salt n pepper. U know, to spice things up.........
I seriously don believe in doing that kinda shit, unless I see it with my own eyes....... atupun, if they not holding hands at least or kissing or whatever, then U dont know if theres anything going on, nda payah buat cerita.... seriously, I see no evil, hear none either, the evil I say is my own opinion..... HaHaHa
and some chicks , or guys, terus gitu percaya, at least investigate la..... DUMB ASSES.... We all make the mistake of having the wrong kinda friends around us, I should know, Im the queen of manipulation, so I try to pick nd choose who gets to hear it.... some people too easily influenced la...... scary shit....
perception and intepretation all play major factors ok........
bah. Im gonna go
Posted by
8:19 AM
This whole quitting thing is a bit weird...... seriously......... but Im not gonna lie, Im gonna say, at this time, Im just cutting down........... But its a start... The funny thing is I just heard that AWI is thinking bout quitting too, wants to give up stuff thats unhealthy.... WOW... whats going on.....
Im trying the whole switch my primary thoughts with my secondary.... so instead of focusing on not smoking, I focus on blogging or taking pictures or wat eber it is im doing at the moment... But am checking the time alot right now.....
so anyways here r some pictures for u to enjoy..........
m feeling extremely juvenile at the mo......... So the competition is....... who can tell the difference between Jenny and Paula.........
Posted by
12:28 AM
alright den
Ive got news............
Ive come to a decision.............. Im actually gonna try to cut down on my smoking........ YEAH YEAH......... those who know me will always associate me with cigarettes, YES this is true....... But Im gonna start slow..... first step is to cut down right....
So this week is all about the having only one cigarette an hour, den im gonna try the one every two...... Im serious folks......... mebe all those people lecturing has finally sunk into my smoke infested daze.... hahaha. My voice..... think about my voice.....
so yeah....
and I did something reli serious too........... I up and quit the band....... yup yup ALLPLAY.... I guess like relationships....... we grow apart,wanna do different things u know......... N it seriously felt like I was breaking up with someone.... come on, three years, from being grudge, to beats, to ALLPLAY. From menglait to jerudong..... But its something i gotta do, Im gonna miss them and hopefully we'll still hang out and stuff.... I love those boys
Posted by
9:32 AM
so had lunch with czarena, eliza and NICK... all the way from scotland, the land of haggis, bagpipes and kilts..... where throwing trees is a sport... hehehe.....
so we got men in skirts, eating stomachs, throwing trees and blowing into a big bag with pipes coming outta it, sounds almost as primitive as Brunei...... men in skirts... ie the very special sarong..... eating stomachs, well berubut is like intestines or something, so its right next to each other what..... the trees and pipes... hmmm... well.....thats where u guys take the cake and eat it too..... pack it away, bring it home....hahaha... IM JOKING.....
Hes a lovely guy, loving the accent dude, so SEAN CONNERY......... Im loving it....... and he did take pictures of me and CZ so u totally get brownie points for that.....
congrats CZ, I totally approve, seems like a keeper to me... Fingers crossed......
this trip to singapore i bought some clothes for the cutest little bugger, my nephew.....
for someone who cant speak properly yet, he got style.... hehe... and if doesnt I will make it my life long mission to make sure he does. So this is one of the outfits i got him, damn cute, trying to be all karate kid and shit, he also wearing the pair of converse sneakers i got him... he didnt take em off until he got home..... dont wanna think bout how smelly his feet r... for a little boy he got some stinky ass feet. the problem is I dont think he realises he gotta play the cute card until hes a bit older.... he didnt want to tie up the outfit with the belt and prefered to keep it open, cause he a PIMP DADDY.... yo sweetheart, u three years old, the toddler tummy is cute dats it......
OMG... I just wanna squish his cheeks, hug him hug him hug him until he cries..... GARAM ATI KU yo.............. also got him a pair of LEVIs... they have LEVIs for kids man......... cute.....
Posted by
11:54 PM
aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg mungkin bisa kau rindu
karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu
oh karena hati tlah letih
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg selalu bisa kau sentuh
aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku selalu memujamu
tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati
oh bayangmu seakan-akan
kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yg memanggil rinduku padamu
seperti udara yg kuhela kau selalu ada
hanya dirimu yg bisa membuatku tenang
tanpa dirimu aku merasa hilang
dan sepi, dan sepi
selalu ada, kau selalu ada selalu ada, kau selalu ada
Cintakan Membawamu Kembali
Tiba saat mengerti jerit suara hati
Yang letih meski mencoba melabuhkan rasa yang ada
Mohon tinggal sejenak lupakanlah waktu
Temani air mataku teteskan lara
Merajut asa menjalin mimpi
Endapkan sepi sepi
Cintakan membawamu kembali disini
Menuai rindu membasuh perih
Bawa serta dirimu,dirimu yang dulu
Mencintaiku apa adanya
Saat dusta mengalir jujurkanlah hati
Genangkan batin jiwaku,genangkan cinta
Seperti dulu saat bersama tak ada keraguan
Cintakan membawamu kembali disini
Menuai rindu membasuh perih
Bawa serta dirimu,dirimu yang dulu
Mencintaiku apa adanya
Tiba saat mengerti jerit suara hati
Yang letih meski mencoba melabuhkan rasa yang ada
Mohon tinggal sejenak lupakanlah waktu
Temani air mataku teteskan laraku
Cintakan membawamu kembali disini
Menuai rindu membasuh perih
Bawa serta dirimu,dirimu yang dulu
Mencintaiku apa adanya
this is my point.......... women dont know what they want....... cause if a man said those things as above, it would freak me out....
like imagine this scenario.... hahaha.......
u getting all hot n heavy and the man says..... baby, lets make love.... with the husky puton-imtryintobesexy voice.........
i would prefer him to just shut up and lead... hahaha... dont spoil it with ur dumb ass words dat dont work......
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: women r weird
ever noticed how wen ure lonely, songs suddenly become meaningful... like we look into every single word, then u analyse each sentence, then look at the song as a whole.... the music has its own explanation.......
den how it is so like how we feeling right now........ its so LAME... hahaha. den wen ure alone u sing like berabis, with so much feel.... with it at top volume somemore..... the things we do to get by... its so funny.....
but yeah.... how come men like this only exist in song.........
P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) John Legend lyrics
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss u underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
U know I love u when u loving me
Sometimes it's better when it's publicly
I'm not ashamed I don't care who sees
Just hugging & kissing our love exhibition all
We rendezvous out on the fire escape
I like to set up an alarm today
The love emergency don't make me wait
Just follow I'll lead u I urgently need you
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss u underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love,
let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lies
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
I see u closing down the restaurant
Let's sneak and do it when your boss is gone
Everybody's leaving we'll have some fun
Or maybe it's wrong but u turning me on
Ooh, we'll take a visit to your Mama's house
Creep to the bedroom while your Mama's out
Maybe she will hear it when we scream and shout
And we will keep it rocking until she comes knocking
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss u underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love,
let's go somewhere they might discover us.
Let's get lost in lies
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
If we keep up on this fooling around
We'll be the talk of the town
I'll tell the world I'm in love any time
Let's open up the blinds cause we really don't mind
Ooh I don't care about the priority
Let's break the rules and ignore society
Maybe our neighbor like to spy too
So what if they watch when we do what we do
Oh, let's go to the park
I wanna kiss u underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love,
let's go somewhere they might discover us...
Posted by
9:46 PM
SERIOUSLY............. u ave a filthy mind..... I meant words la......
But was thinking bout it....... gimme a man that knows how to use BIG words and Im interested...... pathetic, I know......
Some chicks go for money, some looks, the strength in his back, the width of his shoulders, the car, the list goes on and on... YES YES im picky......
Wait a minute, ok fine i gotta be into the guy first den the big and long works..... if not just another smart alec that needs to be ignored.... MAAAANNNNNNN women r weird, but what im trying to say is that smart guys, witty and funny even if they sometimes cans of corn ie lame-o. they get the thumbs up from me.........
OH GOD gimme a man that can stimulate me physically and mentally....... PERFECT..... notice how i didnt mention MONEY..... hehehe
the lifelong question of money or love......... WELL i pick love, cause the man gotta be smart if he aint i aint gonna love him..... hahaha....
But this is something that ive been into for ages, a man that can get me to listen to him, says alot, someone that gets me to shut up another amazing thing......... I like to discuss things, yes mebe becomes a bit heated or AGRO, but hey its fun......... its just me alrite, I aint asking u to agree..... Im just stating my opinion, YES..... dont read la if it really bothers u... my blog baby, I can say what i want......
Those close to me know this, the number times my friends have said so and so not right for me..... and i ask why, and the answer is always along the lines of, cause he just too dumb for u ding.... evil but true
Posted by
7:22 PM
Labels: LOve
Posted by
9:30 AM
Been getting a few comments recently. Bout what kinda vibe I put out, my facial expressions, the way I am..... NO NO NO, Im not trying to say that i wanna change who I am......
I appreciate who I am..... I thank god dat I have recieved many gifts, and honestly speaking its been fantastic.......
Just mebe now need to reli think bout wat i want.... HARD DECISION coming up.....
I hate LIFE decisions. What if u make the wrong one? Yes I am a big fat mess, literally.....
But this whole perception thing, and how u portray urself...... n how masks and all this what not jus seriously, well....... sometimes feels like a real waste of time.....
I guess i'll always be that someone that ppl will get the wrong idea about, guess it cant be helped.....but den mebe im just over analysing, mebe im just full of shit.... mebe i reli have no control over my own personality...... now dats pathetic.... ok fine, I guess i do have strong principles and ideas....... and sometimes have the balls to actually voice dem out... yeah yeah..... but sometimes it just needs to be said u know...... sometimes u wanna just suck back those few words that fly out ur mouth.......... or just cover who ever it was directed to ears', vice versa, works either way.....
I think im going through a whole imactuallyembarassedIcantbelieveisaiddatshouldnthavetrustedthatopersonmoment.....
dont we all though.....
anyways, we were all just hanging out and stuff just now, and everybody was just exchanging stories bout the whole worst date and best date scenario..... I was racking my brains.... NO JOKE!!!!
Ive come to a realisation that Ive never actually been on a real date before...... Its just something that god has decided shouldnt be part of my life just yet... Or maybe I have.... and I just havent realised it... hahaha.... But its just not done in Brunei.... ok wait, nope, JUST ME... oh well.....
No, Im not looking for sympathy.... Or a PITY DATE...... please this is not a cry for help... AT ALL....... different people lead different lives.... we all just do what we can to survive... those very fortunate few actually have some control and actually do more then just survive........ NOPE, thats me again... oh well..... hahaha... its never too late u know...... theres a reason for everything....
We go back to the whole what u put out there thing..... sometimes u or ok fine I dont realise what i put out there, I guess im just reli good at the whole, I-reli-don-giv-a-flyin.................. persona, or as yasz says FACADE..... ooooooo big word......
This whole, Im a rapper must use big words thing, hehehe..... well at least u put ur vocabulary to good use... though sometimes i need a dictionary to understand what u saying...... DUMB IT DOWN please......
i think im going through a premenstrual, gotta vomit, damn it im confused thing....... ugh...... I also think im getting depressed, stressed, worried bout stuff that I reli gotta settle in my life..... DAMN DAMN DAMN.....
well i finally get to do a proper blogging thing next week..... I miss my internet connection at home
hehehe... no offence paula.... thanks for letting me stay as long as i have... and im sure ull be happy to get ur home back, but ull miss me too.... I KNOW THIS FER SURE..... hahaha.... awu awu... perasaan ah..... even though i stink up ur house with SIGUPz....... Im a damn good assistant/maid...... Not so great with the laundry, but hey at least hehehe.....
am i blabbering and doing the whole rambling thing... yes i guess i am... hehehehe... LAME-O...... but i need to get it out....
I guess as usual I am the insecure person I have always been.....
Posted by
9:56 PM
hey all of uz.............
yup still here........
i know i know....... but hey I always find it so hard to leave, why is that i wonder.... hahaha
been playing around in a studio here, nice place...... ADI... they just used tray telur, lawa kali ah.... serious. and it really works, durang cat saja beb..... and design dikit2 lawa...... we seriously jusy=t do that.... tapi protools beh... bulih!!!!!
im missing projectunes like mad, but im making some really good contacts here......
The people in the music scene here are so nice, its amazing!!!!! I cant believe it.... they so laid back..... unassuming, downtoearth....... including previous idols, APM winners...... they all fantastic......IM LOVING IT LOVING IT LOVING IT!!!!!
this trip Ive spent more time with Paula, as i should, hello im staying with her...... eventhough she keeps stealing my lighters.... and candles here gila babi brabis mahalnya yo.........
Posted by
11:24 AM
Artist: Musiq
Album: Juslisen
Year: 2002
Title: Bestfriend Print
(feat. Carol Riddick)
[Verse 1]
Now a days I don't understand
Why my love doesn't love me like she used to before
Now lately the sun jus doesn't shine and my paradise is gone
[Chorus 1]
Cause most of the time
We argue and fight
Over things that doesn't really matter
Lord knows that I tried
To give all my love
So what should I do?
[Chorus 2]
You got to understand it's all about give and take
You can't be so demanding
Things won't always go your way
If you just give it time
And think about her feelings
Then things will work out fine
Learn to make her your best friend
[Verse 2]
I hear what you saying but my girl she's always
Complaining and and blaming me for things I'll never do
And I don't know what, what it is that I did that was
So wrong to make her feel I'll ever be untrue to her
[Chorus 1]
Cause most of the time
We argue and fight
Over things that doesn't really matter
Lord knows that I tried
To give all my love to her what should I do?
[Chorus 2]
You got to understand it's all about give and take
You can't be so demanding
Things won't always go your way
If you'll just give it time
And think about her feelings
Then things will work out fine
Learn to make her your best friend
[Bridge 1]
See what you need to do is stop catching attitude's
And just try to take the time to hear her out
Stop being so defensive and try to be more attentive to
Show here you respect what she's talkin 'bout
Cause you know how us women can be and when we
Feel threatened we react instinctivly when our emotions have grown to its high we can tend to
just let it control
Our lives
Well all right I'll try next time I'll try a little tenderness
Even make sure that I give her more complements
Maybe I could practice on being more patient
And compromise for my baby yeah yeah.
[Bridge 2 2x]
If you want her in your life
Then you got to be willing to try
See it's worth the struggle
Cause in the end she will always
Be your best friend yeah
Posted by
2:20 AM
ok fine. this sucks, but hey what to do, inda ku pandai eh makai MAC ani, very the different i must say..... even the compose mode is different.....
anyways, im still in singapore, I SERIOUSLY dont wanna go home..... If I was confirmed staying den I could actually go about looking for some confirmed gigs, a job or something.
so what else, Well yesterday was a weird day, for those who dont know, while I was in KL, I fell in a drain, yes yes... I know
so its been raining BERABIS here, and Im clever as u all know, I was wearing these flipflops yang ku perasaan RUGGED LA!!!! Tapi only now do i realise, rupa-rupanya, very the slippery.... PALOI kan...... and i fell twice.... down paulas stairs outside, den once we got out the taxi....... But of course im in shock, tapi ketawa jua berabis. PALOI kan.... hahahaha......
so now, my left leg has this HUGE chunk of flesh gone out of it, and I have bruises on my right side, ie my ass now ada map ok.... and my back.... its getting ridiculous
anyways, I have errands to run tomorrow...... I must get roddies parts, by hook or by bloody crook!!!!
and adis stuff, and i gottas go to converse.... and i MUST MUST MUST get stuff for alfie and all of dem.....
apa gi ah.
I went to an astrologer?tarot card reader.... YEAH YEAH...... inda kamu berapa percaya, but so many interesting things came up... I have never met this woman before.... tapi all she could talk about was responsibilities and MUST MUST MUST have a career change...... cali ah, and how i have to change my life and stuff like that....... some things were just so CORRECT.... takut eh, tapi was a good reading... hehehehe POSITIF....
ima gonna leave uz with some of the pics that i can be bothered to photoshop
Posted by
1:10 AM
somethings going on with my laptop................. ADIRANI pay attention, hehehehe............ i wonder la.. i think ah i think ah...... oh i dunno, im not even gonna think about it.
anyways I am now in singapore....... people ask me when im going back, I never have an answer, cause I never usually wanna leave, sad and pathetic, i know..........
people wanna leave singapore, I wanna stay here.... dapends on what u want right?
anyways, my blogging can only be done from paulas laptop, dont ask me why.... im feeling a bit lost cause u know, i am getting addicted to it....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YANI............. my sista from another mista.........
as in brunei, we would say.........
KAMI SE-MU-A!!!!!!
(note: please sing to tune of panjang umurnya)
ok getting annoying...............
anyways, i must go to an hsbc cause ive was too chilled out before leaving brunei, i didnt actually bring any money......
yes, im smart, i know this!!!!!
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: my laptop rosaaaaaaakkkkkk
Whats wrong with me........ am i so unhappy that I have to pick on other people.......
Been going through an emotional rollercoaster this 1st week of 2007, lots of well everything.... fun fun fun, but you know that feeling at the back of your heart, you know somethings wrong.. somethings gonna happen......... Jauh Palis........ mudah-mudahan saja nda..
but whats going on, I must not have a life. seriously, I am being really horrible to some people, that i truly love and respect in my life..... I apologise from the bottom of my heart.... But I dunno why I just have no control, am I back to the person I was 4 years ago, I hope and pray that Im not.......
Its just something I cant shake...... my mouth is running a mile a minute, and I only realise the second after Ive said what Ive said and Im mentally trying to pull back what Ive said, Please god, help me keep my mouth shut... Realise that you can only apologise so many before people dont accept it anymore......
You heard about KARMA. seriously scares the SHIT outta me....
what goes around comes around, usually tenfold........ STOP STOP STOP
UGH. I go through this every so often, then realise, then Im cool and wise and can actually shut the hell up..... Lapas atu lupa lagi.....
Was talking to sainul just now, he said everything mus have a balance.......... why it hit me, is that I know this, when its going too good, I always wonder, like this, ah man, whats gonna happen now, I am a firm believer in everything has a purpose, everything happens for a reason...... SCARY SHIT!!!!!
ok fine, insya-allah, everything is gonna be OK, im not saying great, insya-allah ok tu........ bertawakal saja right.....
1. not everybody needs to know my opinion
2. shut-up
3. Think before I speak, or act, or whatever
4. Trust NO-ONE, nobody, no soul, no friend, no enemy...... NO- ONE!!!!
5. ah...... SHUT-UP......
6. no ure not always right, yes ure smart, but not that smart
7. stop the trusting everyone with ur secrets, can comeback
and haunt you... need to read the laws of power book again
8. take that hand and physically cover your mouth.... PLAN B
Posted by
2:58 AM
Thank you Keej, Chai, Dewi, Hani.......
I will post a better thank you later.... must pack.......
hehehe... too funny though........
Posted by
2:06 AM
ok, was the last night for me in KL, I wanted to go clubbing, memajal BRABIS!!!!
I should have known!!!!
But i story u that later.....
So in the morning, had to go Little India, had to get stuff for mummy, I Had to ok, Im still scared of my mummy she's not even 5ft tall, but still scares the shit outta me ok... so went, got her kain, blah blah blah, den we went to sungai wang, hani wanted to get some stuff, we were alredi tired from the night before.... Then we went to Midvalley!!!!
Me and Dewi are matches made in heaven wen it comes to shopping ok......... hehehe. Its a Libra thing, it got to a point that hani and Keej gave up and left us der.. hehehe. we were the last ones at Miss selfridges..... sampai bekelahi pasal this one top, it doesnt help that dewi is as well-endowed as myself... hahaha, so of course we go for the same kinda top, kinda......
i get to the apartment, keej and hani are zonked out on the bed with nanih. HELLO.. clubbing, come on, get up... But everyone was so fucking tired ok (me included) but i said its my last nite, i wanna club, esp since its rare to be overseas with frens from brunei ok.....
dewi turns up, everyone gets redi, just before we leave, chai suddenly says he wants to come along. how cute is that.......
so we finally leave and go to........ well we didnt know where we were going, it was 1 o'clock alredi, any club would do!!! Passion was dead, Zouk was closed, we were left with Beach Club, Noway....... too many O.P...... so ALOHA it was......
we walk in just after 1.30am, yes yes. aku memajal...... we have a great time, hahaha, pics say it all....... and of course the company was great. and chai man, hes the best camera man. he just took so many pictures, fun fun fun........
we leave at three go eat at lotus, the girls were so tired but melayanz me anyways....... i notice its reli close to the apartment, so why not we walk.......... wasnt far....
disaster struck..........
ah luan baibun, luan happy, me and keej were saying how like if u strut, ur feet wont hurt as much........ yup it worked, then Diana, yes me....... I was leading the way.....
In the distance i see a gate yg u turunkan pakai tali, u know the metal bar thingy, I couldnt be arsed to crawl under it or climb over it.. I was like...... i'll jus walk beside it, ooo, bushes.. ooooo. dark, ooooo.. must be path........ ok step......... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
I fall into the stupid drain..... its so fucking deep, i stand up its almost up to my armpits...... it was so dark keej couldnt even see me in it..... has nothing to do with the colour of my skin, ok mebe...... but dats beside the point, as I was lying in the muck at the bottom of the drain, laughing my head off, i was shocked, it was so fucking funny, stand up and still laughing they help me out, not an easy feat, hello im not actually small ok.... LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH....
then someone points at my leg, eh, wats that.... what the fuck..... blood, I FEEL WOOOOOOOOZZYY.............. DRAMA-MA-MA or what........ in between fainting and trying not to, i realise theres a taxi........ get to the apartment..... and i can hardly crawl out the taxi..... There I am laying on the front steps of the apartment building, and the security take pity on me and get me wheelchair... the guys wheel me upstairs, wth great difficulty get me into the shower... ew ew ew.... from head to toe i tell u......... even in my hair. ew ew ew........
well to cut a very drama, stupid, hilarious story short... im still limping today.. thank god my mummy is a nurse....
udah atu.. hehehe barutah kan cari mummy... mihir tah banar.. hahaha
and here ladies and gentleman is my beautiful leg, no short skirts for a long time!!!! baik jua masa ani, tights r in... hahaha
Posted by
6:29 PM
Labels: 3rd jan 2007, pics
people have said that bruneians know how to party and heres proof!!!! When others are jus getting over NYE....... what do we do??? We all go for somemore clubbing.......
We started the night at madam Kwans...... Yes Imran the nasi lemak is to die for........ was seriously too good.... bit pricey, but worth it.
Me and Keej were redi to PARTAY... but the girls werent.. so we went back to the aparment....... TICK TOCK TICK TOCK........
we leave before midnight, meet dinah and liana at ZOUK, first time i saw zouk dead dead dead as a doorknob......... But it was ladies night, we MUST club!!!! hehehe....
So the group of us, did i mention it was just us ladies, just the 6 of us, we walkd down this reli dark alley, aka parking lot, (the alley was for effect, sounds more sinister) and tadaaaaaaa...... rum jungle, passion, aloha....... an more.... as we walk past poppy garden, a reli cute bouncer catches our eyes......... but we head on to aloha........ we get there and turn around, cause poppy garden looks more to our 'tastes'...... ok fine was the hot bouncer in his reli smart suit... hahaha......
wat is it with women and men in suits, uniforms.... heaven help us if men realise how much it affects the females of the world........ sexy nerds, bad boys (Will Smith n his very hot suit), policemen...... ( colin farell in SWAT), military boys ( Saving private ryan, band of brothers...... OH YEAH!!!!) Need i mention keanu in devils advocate.. drool drool........ lets not forget to mention fantasy type dudes, keanu as neo, brad pitt as achilles, orlando as LEGOLAS, (only recently has he stopped being my desktop) jus kill me now!!!!
ok fine, getting off topic.... poppy garden man, the music is happening!!!! the crowd also not bad, i.e. didnt see that many kids there......... and a group of really hot chicks, we got alot of attention, TOO MUCH, except for the occasional, are u phillipino? are u working tonight? FUCK la, we not prostitutes leave us alone...... we just having a good time and we did not hook up with anyone....... was a great night, its so much fun to go clubbing with friends..... esp my clubbingsoulmate keejah.... we can dance the night away........
Posted by
4:44 PM
so we spent the whole day looking for something to wear....... not an easy feat I tell you, to find something for 5 very different girls to wear, but we all decided to wear a dress, so that was one decision out of the way.......... boys, U will never fully grasp how we women think, so dont even try, ngalih ja yo..........
hani gave us a wakeup call at 9am, I was smart enuff to go to bed at 4, Keej and Nanih were talking, hahaha, until 5 plus, hahaha....... But we woke up anyways, cause we all wanted to look our best!!!!
so we all went to the curve? the kerb? OU? I dunno wat its called.. wan utama? somewhere near hartamas
Posted by
12:15 AM