Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I got my mum this book called the 8 steps to happiness.......... Ive just read the first few pages though..................

the thing that caught my eye was the fact that it states emphatically that we should chose to be happy and that its a hard difficult journey.....

But think of that we chose to be happy..... CHOSE!!!!!!

So enuff griping and complaining, its now time to chose to be happy..... ima gonna write more bout this once I actually read the whole book, just incase, I dont wanna give you guys the wrong information But what we should think bout is, are we really happy? do we have the tools? do we even know what makes us truly truly happy........................ After the whole get rich, I have money, I'll be happy, tapi if we watch movies, isnt it always the story, MONEY DOESNT BUY HAPPINESS................... thats the moral of most stories right? Well alot.............

Something to think about......................

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

the big 3-0

For a twenty year old, this number is a scary one, adults bodybuilders alike are scared... hahaha oklah oklah IM exaggerating, but its true man, 30 big deal ler

and now Ive hit it..... and surprisingly it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be..... My cousin called me all the way from KL just to wish me a Happy Birthday, but the best part was when she said that Im 30, married and have two kids, hilarious when I think that on my 29th birthday it was bulan puasa, I was single with no hopes of ever getting married apatah lagi having kids......

Look at me now world.... its MAGICAL hahaha... but she said I gotta set new goals and aspirations, now thinking bout it, was I so consumed at finding a man? Was I? Sometimes to realise these kinda things is just hard, cause you the one feeling it......

So I got breakfast in bed, my daughter, woke up early with her grandma (my mummy) went outside to pick flowers and make me breakfast, you know what was my first thought....... 'THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE CHILDREN', husbands have a possibility of going you know (not that im asking for that.... jauh palis)

Then I spent the afternoon with my favourite person in the whole world my cousin Czarena......

Had dinner at home....... Oh oh, and I got my first piece of married birthday jewellry, not that I asked for it!!!!! I didnt banar!!!!! But what women doesnt love diamonds.... when you least expect it.... ryte?

So there goes Diana Party animal, well thats a lie, BUT I seriously had more fun staying home.... I must be getting old..... hahaha It happens to even the best of us.... maybe its not age hahaha its the maturity....

Ever heard that the 30s are the new 20s and the 40s are the new 30s..................

Ive decided thats what 30 year olds and 40 year olds say cause they in denial bout how old they are, but hey Ima gonna say it to.............

Im 30........... and its supposedly a CLUB, mana membershipnya? hahaha apa privilegenyakan? ada clubhouse? hahaha well thats it for now

Monday, October 22, 2007

So its Monday.......

I have to set my schedule, I have kids that go to school now......

How amazing is that, last year I didnt have a boyfriend, now Im married and have two children.... magic or what???? hahaha.... I am in no way whatsoever trying to rub it in your faces, HELLO..... I was single for 7 years, Im not saying that this is the perfect marriage and it will last forever, But Im hoping..... You can only hope, my parents married for love and even after divorce and everything my dad went to his grave still loving my mum.....

So marriage is not all about LOVE......

Love man what a word, nobody tells you it comes in so many varying degrees and motions and actions and everything.....

What you thought was love, wasnt, what you dont think is right, most times is.... tell me... sounds confusing? damn straight......

But this post is dedicated to all those parents out there that sacrifice everything for their children...... Where their kids are first and foremost in there lives... priority number one.....

But then I still believe that you have to always make time for husband and wife..... without children, that bond has to be strong..... cause once that bond is lost, into the depths of oblivion, its hard to get it back..... How do you bring up happy, balanced children when their parents arent..... Its just an observation, I still dont wanna call my husband daddy or babah or whatever, NDA SEXY bah... you know what I mean... hahaha.... no offence...

But Im gonna strive to be his girlfriendwifelover for life....... mistress even.... hahaha....

Im talking out my ass I guess, Im only just starting this marriage and motherhood thing, its weird, I always thought I would be a great mother, but now looking at it, IT TAKES ALOT OF WORK, I already dont want them to take on my bad habits, but how do I do that without becoming a hypocrite.....

The difference between a maternal mother and a stepmother.... When I do have biological kids I will feel different but how do I be fair, cause I am the adult right, I know better right.... Ah man, I guess Im gonna take it a day at a time..... and im gonna have to include all uz ppl in it... hahaha

Theres so many things that you learn from having a baby from day one.....

I guess Ive just been so selfinvolved all my life that its actually something that I have to work on, like school bottles and food and clothes and their futures..... and whats gonna happen, but Im gonna try to do it one day at a time, hahaha, am i alone in this feeling? im sure everybody has doubts and worries and stupid thoughts right???? I dont have to perfect straight away right?

Im gonna go and send my girl to school now..... bye peoples.....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

OH MY GOD.... How could i be so stupid... so SE-TU-PIT!!!!!!!I forgot to wish everybody a.......................


muaz, muaz, i add you alredi ah... eh sorry i forgot your love of english, I have linked your blog to mine, I hope you don't mind..... What was that favourite word of yours..... it started with G.... gregarious? no I've forgotten..... hehehe

To those who have read..... the score for this year is, 0-0....

Friday, October 19, 2007

blogs and stuff

Seriously...... Thanks so much for all the LINKING help.... hahaha.... so I've done but it looks like CRAP..... But at least I am semi-technologically uptodate SORTAKINDA.....

now, since Ive been lucky enuff to watch alot of tv in the mornings.... I LOVE IT!!!!! Now the buzz is an issue about a dog....... A DOG!!!!!! A DOG I TELL YOU..... maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn.... hello, hole in ozone layer, poverty, starvation, murders and what not.....

They're even talking bout lawyers and laws and suing..... and there have been tears.... oh my god..... its amazing what we let ourselves watch... YES I AM GUILTY TOO...... Im watching it now as i type.... SO FUNNY..... its not that its a dog, dont get me wrong, its the fact that its not even a human being..... TERRIBLE EH!!!!

I think I need to add on to this, I was driving behind a pick up truck a few years ago, and there was a dog st the side of the road, and this A-HOLE decides that its a fantastic idea to swerve and hit the dog, ON PURPOSE!!!!! then not being enuff he reverses over it.... what is this???? Nada kraja kah, I dont understand why some people have no conscience what so ever... it says alot about a person when they have no thought for gods creations.....

I believe that people nowadays have no appreciation..... everybodys caught up in the whole, WHATIWANTWHATINEEDWHATIDONTHAVE dont forget the whole, THEYHAVEABETTERCARHOUSECLOTHES thing.....

Appreciate what we have there's a reason for everything and everyone in this world,

There are bad people so we know how to APPRECIATE goodness, bad things happen so we can appreciate the GOOD...... even dogs have a purpose, what other animal can lead and protect blind people??? You know those watch dogs I couldnt imagine a watchTIGER? a watchHORSE? what kan? Just cause you cant touch dogs doesnt mean they are devils? or SETAN? Apa lah.....

I STILL THINK ELLEN THING IS STILL TOO MUCH....... hehehe.... ujungnya.....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

ok fine, ima gonna forget bout my pride and be completely honest..........................
CAMANAKAN ME LINK ORANG ANI......................
I would love to 'LINK' other blogs and websites.......... I dont know how to.......
So if u really nice people could help me out with this linking business it would be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

free hugs

i was watching starnews last night........

And there's this thing where they give away FREE HUGS in japan......

Good concept I agree, But I think its damn funny when I think about all my friends that are crazy for Japanese hunks man....

I can already imagine them running around and grabbing any cute guy, totally ignoring the white folk not like the Japanese girls I saw.... Hahaha.....

If I ever organised that, like a FREE HUGGING CRUISE SHIP to travel all over the world, specific destinations Im sure, where confirmed hotties originate, like Japan, some LATIN and European countries.... ah man, Id have a blast just looking at the mob of FREE HUGGING girls... hahaha, running around like headless chickens, no thats wrong they would have a definate targets .... hahaha.... trying to give free hugs to the members of Peter Pan, but totally ignoring the crew.... mana obvious tu... hahaha

Yes yes Im married, doesnt mean I have to lose my sense of humor or my personality right... hahaha....

Oh shut up, you might disagree now, but I bet you the thought does have merit in the middle of the night when all are asleep or when your mind drifts and you let yourself think of absolute garbage.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So we've been trying to put together the wedding albums, half way through you sorta kinda just wanna give up cause there's so many.....

But I've actually had so much more on my mind, I just think its funny how this month everything seems to happen, maybe you guys dont agree, but it seems that everybody's real character comes out....

But who do you blame? Do you blame themselves? Should they know better? Maybe if you're an adult, YES!!!! but a child NO!!!!

But you cant blame children, they just follow the behaviour of their parents, so for me it is the adults responsibility to take care of their children!!! Did they ask to be born? No!!!! But as parents you brought them into this world, it is your job.... YOUR JOB to take care of them, make sure they have enough guidance to be some sort of a good person... you dont dump these kids with your friends, while you go and get married start a new life.... Whats wrong with these kinds of people....

It is not the job of the brothers and sisters, even in the court of law.... even in religion it says that in the case of something happening to the parents, it is the duty of first the fathers family, ie brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties...... Then it comes to the mothers family, her sisters and brothers and mother and father aunties and uncles, IT IS NOT, i repeat, IT IS NOT the sisters or brothers of the child's responsibility..... Unless everyone else is dead......

If you understand you understand.....

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind...

Sometimes your past deeds, how you treated other people is finally coming back to you..... KARMA is a powerful thing.... Its so scary, Im scared.... You never know what you've done to hurt other people.... everyone is different, what you think is funny others wont and vice versa.

I think people would get along so much better if we all just accepted people for who they are.... and stop trying to make everybody the same... what a boring world indeed....