Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
LISTS you say...... wait a minute I said............
OK... I am not bullshitting you, this is something that helps................. I seriously believe it!!!!
Maybe its a coincidence, but it doesnt hurt to try......
This is how easy this is..............
Go get a piece of paper or the back of a notebook..... Write down every single thing you ever wanted in a partner, from physical attributes, mental, emotional, from the most important detail to the stupidest one.... from how you want him to treat you, what hobbies, how he talks to you.....
Be completely honest, nobody has to see this list but yourself............
Here are somethings that I wrote,
1. have a great sense of humor and thinks Im the funniest girl in the world
2. to enjoy his work, respected and admired by people
Put KIND, HAS ALOT OF MONEY, TALL, HANDSOME........... whatever you want, seriously
I wouldn't be so open about this, but hey it helps, maybe it helps us women especially be honest about what we want, remember, nobody has to see this list so you could even mention lengths and sizes of specific body parts............
you stop that right now...... I was talking bout feet............ HAHAHA. Thats what I say, but you know what I mean...........
Now that you've done your list, forget about it, leave it to the universe............
I did it, and a week later I met the man Im gonna marry in september, after 7 years alone, its a fast fast change...........
and two people before me did it and soon after met the men they are married to now.......... once we all checked the list, its like unbelievable that almost 80%-90% of whats on the list is evident in your new man
Its crazy I know....... after all those bullshit emails, you think this is a waste of time...... dont do it la, but if you got time, write it down, thats all Im saying...........
Maybe your man is out there, its just that we women keep changing our minds that the universe is confused. hahaha........... mebe once we're specific, then they send the guy along the way. I dont know la...........
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by
10:57 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
the list
whats so great about a list you might think............. I will add on later......
Posted by
9:11 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
this is a shout out to MR PABLO and MAMALOBENGS..............
is that how you spell it nudge?????
anyways, safe flight, get cracking on them books and the year will pass by so quickly.....
Come back quick cause you guys serve good food......
ps please mention to arabfamilies that I am extremely honest, so mebe you should watch out who youz give access to..... hahaha.......... ( and i like to be colourful with my language)
Posted by
10:57 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
wow, I never realised that there are actually a number of my family members blogging...... ok.... mebe they not like my brutha or ma sista......... but they still family right.......
Ive been reading worldofpablo and arabfamilies and its interesting that these men are allowing people to see their soft side. there was a bit where they even had a family gathering and they asked some of the older group of the kids who are on the verge of working or studying overseas, to discuss their hardships and what they're going through.....
I love how they have actively decided to make a difference in their childrens lives and futures by discussion, explanation and understanding....
I applaud you, you are making a difference in the future..... Ive always believed that we should push for stronger family bonding, instead of just being busy with work....
Wait a minute I gotta try link the blogs.....
I dunno eh how to do it, so ima gonna just give you the addresses instead..... check it out.... I love the familynessness of the bloggering.......
Ive always been surprised when people think its nice that we as a family are so close, my cousins are like sisters and brothers, its great........
we were taught from a very young age, that if an older member of the family asks you to do something go get something or whatever, we get up and run, its a simple thing, but it teaches you to respect your elders......
the downfall is that when youre the youngest at that time and place you start to panic cause then you know youre gonna be tired.
to never be rude, but to treat things with a sense of humor.
but my family has always had the unability to KISS ASS....... we're friendly, we're nice, but when it comes to work we leave no prisoners...........
I must tell you a very cool story.. why we as a family are as we are, is usually a reflection on your parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters.
My grandma very sadly had a very bad fall just before she was to go UMRAH..... so we were worried that she would get depressed and thats not good for any form of rehabilitation.... But instead of being depressed cause its so hard for her to move about (understand that her walking is difficult now) she gets a new rugged RED WHEELCHAIR and is excited about it that she even made sure her baju matched.... she was making jokes bout her new 'sportscar' its red bah red...........
My grandma have taught her children who taught us to always look at the bright side of everything.... good lesson or what.......
but those who dont know us think we're weird, cause we can laugh and cry at the same time, flip from anger to laughter in the matter of milliseconds.... mebe thats why my aunties look so young.............
oh oh...... i wanted to also say
we should spend
more time BEING good instead of ACTING good
Posted by
5:24 PM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
weird but good
so yeah..... did i ever mention how once i get married I got a ready made family.......
So I will be a step mother.....
I just worry, now I will have an impact on these childrens lives............
Ive had extremely BAD experiences with stepmothers in my lifetime, even stepdads........ So how does it all fit in...........
Can I be a mother? Can I be a GOOD mother? Scary right once you think about it....
Now the weird thing, I had a lecturing by an old old friend of mine..... Cause he is the uncle of the future stepson...... hehehe. and this guy is someone I have never seen serious before, and he actually gave fantastic advice.......
I think that maybe these 'BAD BOYS' are sometimes the most caring, sensitive fathers.....
So again another chapter in our life lessons of ................
when you think about it, who the hell decided that people were books in the first place, who ever he is must have had a lot of time, imagine the thought process.........
I think he must have been judged too many times in his lifetime until he thinks to himself one day (im sure he must have been stoned on something) why do people always judge me, like im a book they havent read, yeah thats it, Im a book he says to himself, and people are judging me by my cover..... hahaha..... or something like that.............
hahaha.... or like the first time someone saw a tree, why didnt he think ah. stone or orange or wall? Im sure some smart ass out there with a degree in literature or english or something like that has an answer. But since I havent heard it yet...... hehehe. Im sticking to my story....
Posted by
8:10 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
gods work
sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches...............
you lose some you win some.................
But god always gives you what you truly need not what you want...............
think about it
man. you people sometimes need so much help............
ok, example, you tell urself you want that man... ( this was in the past) instead of getting him, you get caught up in a situation where you instead gain self-confidence and you realise the man you wanted was a waste of time..............
THAT WAS IN THE PAST........... im happy now.....
Posted by
9:29 AM