its been a while
ok ok...... Yes I havent blogged for awhile...... Its hard to blog when theres so many thoughts going through your head that you dont exactly know what to blog about specifically.....
As many of you have heard, Im getting hitched, married I am tying the knot..... the marriage knot?.....
before I go on.... I have read books and articles and emails and was an avid follower of astrology...... But I will say that the one thing that rang true was that book.....
'He's not that into you'
And it goes on and on about how we women on a whole should stop making excuses about our men in our lives... its true.... the uncountable number of failed relationships Ive had to go through... The pain, the hurt, the not knowing the over analyzing....... the what ifs, when wills, if onlys, i wishes..... ok Im gonna stop... but you get what I mean right.....
The point of this post........... TA-DA..........
(the following is my opinion ok, you all dont ambil hati until you angry )
We as women, ok fine to be politically correct the majority of us out there, Im talking Brunei chicks ok.......... We all rasa-rasahan western already, dont need a man la, can do it by ourselves la.......... If we really really look.... We all still malay you know.........
OK FINE!!!!! Sensitive bah you ppl.....
I thought I didnt need a man........... FEEL BETTER? hehehehe...............
anyways, we all have in our minds the perfect man, the perfect wedding..... but we never really think about what its gonna be like the day after we get married, can you grow old with this person, will I still wanna do him....... can I live with you day in and day out.... viceversa too you know......
And Ive realised it takes effort, and we gotta look at the big picture why does he have to be perfect if Im not..... hello stretchmarks, moodswings, pms I dont think I need to go on............
But one thing I know is that once a man promises to work on a marriage and always communicate, make effort and all that other stuff... He's got me.... and he does..... hehehe....
Its amazing the difference between someone thats been married and someone who has no idea.............. Single men here (my opinion) have these expectations of their future wives that are sometimes TOO MUCH............ T.M. bah!!!!!!
Im sure u all understand right......
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