the most dangerous place in the world
here ye here ye....... ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you the
the roundabout at Qlap..... you know it right.....
I would like to make a few clarifications, suggestions, observations.....
1. There is no LAW that says we can't go round more then once.... SERIOUSLY...... so instead of braking to a FULL-STOP to MEMAJAL to go into your exit in the middle of the roundabout if there is no opportunity just go round again..... KENAPAKAN KAMU ANI.... Do you suffer a rare disease of circlelitis, where if you go more then 360 degrees you die kah.... you die... huh huh..... I must say this... you ASSHOLES ARE CAUSING ACCIDENTS..... MOTHER EFFERS MAN......
2. I apologise for this next comment, you stupid woman drivers out there, you fuckers give women like me a bad rep, youre TOO CAREFUL, TOO SLOW, DONT KNOW HOW TO USE YOUR GOD DAMN SIDE MIRRORS....... WHY KAN WHY....... If someone is annoying me on the road, udah I pass by its always a woman....... ok fine, mebe Im exagerating, but you know what I mean, Its like your blind spot was never mentioned kah in your road test..... explain this to me please.....
3. Now you BASTARDS out there yang perasaan F1... agatah ke Sepangkah, ke mana kah, Japan GT kah, bulehkah buleh.... I apologise, I think we live in different dimensions, where you rasa-rasahan that you racing, we normal ppl just wanna go form point a to point b.... and you know what... your stupid little yellow signs, that say kalau paham bisai la, kalau ini kah itu kah... what ever.... it doesnt help in an accident stupid shits, insurance companies do not give you more benefits ok.... if you salah you salah....
4. This next one is more of a personal thing, but Im sure you have seen it or experienced it...... Why do I have to be so gagas cause the person behind me is running away from a fire or something......
EXAMPLE: remember the roundabout, sometimes I dont wanna die bah, sometimes I dont berani to kurang hajar want to keluar suka hati, mebe cause Im smart, mebe cause you only supposed to jalan if its safe.... It was in your road theory thingy.... REMEMBER.... Even if its a green light, we only supposed to go if we it is SE-LA-MAT...... you dont understand, SAFE bah SAFE d mutha tah banar kamu ani....
5. ok...... Just incase you didnt know.... kalau alot of cars waiting at the traffic intersection.... you know the place where roads cross each other ada light.... three colours... red, yellow and green....
JANGANTAH KAN AMBIL KESEMPATAN YO.... cause you know what if you langgar the red light then us whose turn is next have to wait till you A-HOLES pass then we can jalan..... so by that time we have only a few seconds left..... annoying right
the roundabout at Qlap..... you know it right.....

I would like to make a few clarifications, suggestions, observations.....
1. There is no LAW that says we can't go round more then once.... SERIOUSLY...... so instead of braking to a FULL-STOP to MEMAJAL to go into your exit in the middle of the roundabout if there is no opportunity just go round again..... KENAPAKAN KAMU ANI.... Do you suffer a rare disease of circlelitis, where if you go more then 360 degrees you die kah.... you die... huh huh..... I must say this... you ASSHOLES ARE CAUSING ACCIDENTS..... MOTHER EFFERS MAN......
2. I apologise for this next comment, you stupid woman drivers out there, you fuckers give women like me a bad rep, youre TOO CAREFUL, TOO SLOW, DONT KNOW HOW TO USE YOUR GOD DAMN SIDE MIRRORS....... WHY KAN WHY....... If someone is annoying me on the road, udah I pass by its always a woman....... ok fine, mebe Im exagerating, but you know what I mean, Its like your blind spot was never mentioned kah in your road test..... explain this to me please.....
3. Now you BASTARDS out there yang perasaan F1... agatah ke Sepangkah, ke mana kah, Japan GT kah, bulehkah buleh.... I apologise, I think we live in different dimensions, where you rasa-rasahan that you racing, we normal ppl just wanna go form point a to point b.... and you know what... your stupid little yellow signs, that say kalau paham bisai la, kalau ini kah itu kah... what ever.... it doesnt help in an accident stupid shits, insurance companies do not give you more benefits ok.... if you salah you salah....
4. This next one is more of a personal thing, but Im sure you have seen it or experienced it...... Why do I have to be so gagas cause the person behind me is running away from a fire or something......
EXAMPLE: remember the roundabout, sometimes I dont wanna die bah, sometimes I dont berani to kurang hajar want to keluar suka hati, mebe cause Im smart, mebe cause you only supposed to jalan if its safe.... It was in your road theory thingy.... REMEMBER.... Even if its a green light, we only supposed to go if we it is SE-LA-MAT...... you dont understand, SAFE bah SAFE d mutha tah banar kamu ani....
5. ok...... Just incase you didnt know.... kalau alot of cars waiting at the traffic intersection.... you know the place where roads cross each other ada light.... three colours... red, yellow and green....

6. illegal U-TURNS, cant you read signs kah..... do you know you can cause accidents

this means you can U-TURN
7. how bout you ppl yg cannot sabar, mesti jua kan potong jalan, Im in a hurry too you know.... I wanna get home too also... apakan kamu ani....
Ive decided that we Bruneians need to have courtesy on the road, so from today onwards I will be using my blog to applaud courteous and considerate drivers.....
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