Thursday, June 28, 2007


oh my god............ so im extremely lucky that I used to be babysat by pablo.... hehehe........

and since my wedding is coming up he's so gonna hook me up with a cake.......

since my mother like his sister from another mister we got a sample............... all uz people out der dont you dare use this against him.... If he introduced you to grease and a fish called wanda and my very first taste of smoked salmon, at the age of 12, then oklah.... but since u havent hahahahaha............

ok thats not important......

He brought over this wonderful, amazing, fantastic, like like clouds melting on your tongue and although it does taste as good as if u had bought it at the best pavlololova sop.......

it tastes like it just came out of the oven, fresh, and the best bit is, is that it tastes like something homemade. Like as bess as ur mothers best dish.... u know what i mean.... ok look at this...............

so it tastes better then u can think can even imagine.........................

like u know how sophisticated elegant people are considered cold ani sophisticated but got ray of sunshine......

look, go order one, and u'll understand......


pablo.......... pavlova..........pablo pavlova.....................

but seriously..... im so gonna blog about it later............ but wanna spend time picking the right words to decribe the partyinmymouth, exquiste taste of the pavlova.......


Saturday, June 23, 2007

the things ppl say

I just received a text from my cousin...... A supposed friend had messaged her...... trying to as usual to make her feel bad about herself.... I dont understand why people like this exist.....

to add on, He decided to put my name in the text and then cause HE is like the 'BEST' at relationships, decides to say how my relationship now is a joke..... WOW......

Its amazing how stupid people are when they think they smart......

Its amazing how people think they can make opinions on things they know nothing about.... Between me and Saizul we have hundreds of friends, old friends new friends, friends that have become family..... and these are people who will protect us and we will protect them..... These people have hung out with us and seen us together and we have had nothing but comments like, Im so happy ure happy..... U guys r good for each other blah blah blah....

But the important thing is that no matter what one person says or many..... We have no right to predict the downfall of a relationship, well mebe when ure 12.... when you think u know everything but actually know NOTHING.......

Ive had my share of history and I know this is different.......... But its not important... Whats important is that you, I feel sorry for you sweetheart, I hope one day you can take a long long look at yourself and realise that karma is real.... and I apologise that you have had such a hard life, and this has made you bitter and cynical..... I was almost like you anyone can be... I guess I have to thank my lucky stars..... Yes maybe to you my relationship is a joke, but hey Im happy and its something that feels right.

hehehe.... everyone says how i used to be bitter and cynical..... and I never realised it.... but I guess its something we all go through.....

I wish you the best....................

Friday, June 22, 2007

from KL to singapore

since we were coming from KL at 11pm wednesday, we decided that we wanted to stay somewhere close to the airport...... when u hear the words CONCORDE INN... you think yeah man......

I forgot to notice the word INN...... oh well, you know how ppl look fantastic in touchedup photographs... well well... places look fantastic too when you know how to take pictures.....
looks nice right???? well wen we got there I felt like it was a HOSTEL...... hehehe.......

since i had to go buy my antaran in two days, I decided to stay at marriott, ngalih beh...... and Im not disappointed at all.....

singapore has the best service...... they make sure we happy, they make sure we comfortable and HELLO.... efficient anibah.... I love love love singapore

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Yup its true.................most definately!!!!!!

Men are just women sometimes......................

I need some comments yeah, Im sure I'll get some..........

I think Im such a woman when I cant lift a humungously heavy massive thingamabobby.... TRUE? TRUE!!!!!

And when I run away and totally and absolutely FREAKOUTHAVEABFSWEARMYHEADOFF if there's a baby lizard on my windshield while im driving...........


But when it comes to getting an injection........... I have never heard of a woman not getting it..... BUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I have known men that will have to be forced to do it..........

Remember when mummy had to put medicine on your cut as a kid???? NNNNOOOWWW cause we worried of the TETANUS, it getting infected and what not we go to clean it at least and always put disinfectants......... RIGHT!!!!!

Well the number of men that dont wanna even put medicine on a wound!!!!!! hehehehe............

OK OK......


I will state this statement with the confidence this confident statement deserves!!!!!!

I have no knowledge how this came about..... But the baddest men make the best fathers!!!! You know those reformed bad boys? The ones your mummy and friends and aunties and cousins and ninis and boyfriends would tell you to stay away from????

They love love love love love their children!!!! Im serious!!!! I will even go as far as saying my late daddy was a good example!!!! He would always chose his children over his woman.... My friends who have married BAD BOYS! They love their children, yes they may be a tad OVER-PROTECTIVE... like OOOOOOOOOOOOO-VEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR ani bah. TOO MUCH you know!

But these are the men that will go out just him and his child to hang out with his friends!!!! or just to go out.... these are the ones that spend time with their kids and be worried if they were upset....

I have heard of these GOOD BOYS too you know.... Im not onesidedstory ler. They spend so much time being GOOD? That kids should be seen and not heard. These are the ones that MAKE SURE their kids are number one in school through anger and tuition. ok I'll stop....

But I must make clear something, the BADBOYS im talking about is not the kambang kambang ones those ones im not sure..... The ones Im definate about are the BADBOYS that drink, party, know so many people its crazy BUT siok sendiri, inda ngacau orang unless they kana kacau first!!!! Youve seen them right theres always a group of them amongst the other other ones!!!! They the ones that dont care and do what they want..........

HEY!!!! how many of are you out there? If you got time to read you can drop me a comment or something yeah..... and gimme ur addies too.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

its been a while

ok ok...... Yes I havent blogged for awhile...... Its hard to blog when theres so many thoughts going through your head that you dont exactly know what to blog about specifically.....

As many of you have heard, Im getting hitched, married I am tying the knot..... the marriage knot?.....

before I go on.... I have read books and articles and emails and was an avid follower of astrology...... But I will say that the one thing that rang true was that book.....

'He's not that into you'

And it goes on and on about how we women on a whole should stop making excuses about our men in our lives... its true.... the uncountable number of failed relationships Ive had to go through... The pain, the hurt, the not knowing the over analyzing....... the what ifs, when wills, if onlys, i wishes..... ok Im gonna stop... but you get what I mean right.....

The point of this post........... TA-DA..........

(the following is my opinion ok, you all dont ambil hati until you angry )

We as women, ok fine to be politically correct the majority of us out there, Im talking Brunei chicks ok.......... We all rasa-rasahan western already, dont need a man la, can do it by ourselves la.......... If we really really look.... We all still malay you know.........

OK FINE!!!!! Sensitive bah you ppl.....

I thought I didnt need a man........... FEEL BETTER? hehehehe...............

anyways, we all have in our minds the perfect man, the perfect wedding..... but we never really think about what its gonna be like the day after we get married, can you grow old with this person, will I still wanna do him....... can I live with you day in and day out.... viceversa too you know......

And Ive realised it takes effort, and we gotta look at the big picture why does he have to be perfect if Im not..... hello stretchmarks, moodswings, pms I dont think I need to go on............

But one thing I know is that once a man promises to work on a marriage and always communicate, make effort and all that other stuff... He's got me.... and he does..... hehehe....

Its amazing the difference between someone thats been married and someone who has no idea.............. Single men here (my opinion) have these expectations of their future wives that are sometimes TOO MUCH............ T.M. bah!!!!!!

Im sure u all understand right......