Saturday, June 23, 2007

the things ppl say

I just received a text from my cousin...... A supposed friend had messaged her...... trying to as usual to make her feel bad about herself.... I dont understand why people like this exist.....

to add on, He decided to put my name in the text and then cause HE is like the 'BEST' at relationships, decides to say how my relationship now is a joke..... WOW......

Its amazing how stupid people are when they think they smart......

Its amazing how people think they can make opinions on things they know nothing about.... Between me and Saizul we have hundreds of friends, old friends new friends, friends that have become family..... and these are people who will protect us and we will protect them..... These people have hung out with us and seen us together and we have had nothing but comments like, Im so happy ure happy..... U guys r good for each other blah blah blah....

But the important thing is that no matter what one person says or many..... We have no right to predict the downfall of a relationship, well mebe when ure 12.... when you think u know everything but actually know NOTHING.......

Ive had my share of history and I know this is different.......... But its not important... Whats important is that you, I feel sorry for you sweetheart, I hope one day you can take a long long look at yourself and realise that karma is real.... and I apologise that you have had such a hard life, and this has made you bitter and cynical..... I was almost like you anyone can be... I guess I have to thank my lucky stars..... Yes maybe to you my relationship is a joke, but hey Im happy and its something that feels right.

hehehe.... everyone says how i used to be bitter and cynical..... and I never realised it.... but I guess its something we all go through.....

I wish you the best....................

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