I know Ive written about our traditions before... but Ive been hearing things like... all this adat is haram and stuff like that... its true. but its our culture. If we dont have our traditions no matter how unIslam they may seem, it makes us Bruneians what.I mean, americans have Thanksgiving and independence day... it makes them Americans man.
Yes yes we all wanna be up to date and developed and shit, but HELLO........... we need to hang on to why we're Bruneians......Yes Im sure that everybody doesn't believe that sitting on pillows gives you boils and cutting your nails after six is NDA KUASA... But its interesting to say the least.. hahaha
So Im gonna list down the ones I remember, if you guys have any please email me or something.....
SITTING ON PILLOWS GIVES YOU BOILS OR BISUL( ok back in the day they didnt have running water and stuff so of course you were alot dirtier back then. and your backside wouldnt have been very clean. and how stubborn are bruneians.... so of course they had to come up with some cock and bull story.
WASHING YOUR FEET BEFORE YOU GO TO TO BED OR ELSE YOU'LL GET BAD DREAMS(ok I still do this... hahahaha.... so does Jenny Malai Ali..... think bout it, im sure back in the day feet were alot dirtier and you wouldnt want dirty feet in your bed, there is no scientific proof for this, but it works for me)
DONT CUT YOUR NAILS AFTER SUNDOWNhello.... there was no KARAN (electricity) kali ah)
DONT EAT STANDING UP, NDA KUASA.....(another thing I dont understand is 'nda kuasa' what does that mean, but imagine if one person was standing and the rest were sitting on the floor your neck would hurt right)
'OH POCHOT'(said when you accidentally fall or trip or drop something, dont know what a pochot is.... but hey its different)
Notice how the one similar thing in all those things above is how good we are at getting our way, how we can get somebody to do something they don't wanna do. I think we should be proud of this trait that we all seem to have to make things work when we really want it. Just my opinion........
Thats what I can think of at the top of my head.... if you have anymore let me know ya.....
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