wow... people still read my blog... I thought I was crazy and just writing to myself... hahahaha....
But to Icy Lady,I apologise, I must explain, I have battled with my weight since I was born, Ive been berisi, lampuh, chubby, bigboned, tagap gendut... you name it. Its not about weight, its about living a healthier life style, thats all. Maybe we dont look like bloody models who look like they only eat once a month. Look at Queen Latifah, that woman has never ever cared bout her weight and cause she doesnt care neither do we.
So I apologise again, its not about how big you are, its about how healthy the food you put on ur mouth is. how many times you exercise a week, how many times you say no to sweet sugary drinks... oh I miss coca cola....... and cakes and chocolates.... ah....... Please except my apologies, I never meant you to feel any bad k.....
Alright, to the guest, who ever you are.... you said,
how about pointing the rainbow with the you-know-what finger... jari telunjuk that is.... and singing in the kitchen will make you to marry old manI agree, if I knew that singing in the kitchen will make me marry an old man, then I wouldnt have felt desperate and lonely all those years....cause I'd definately get married right. hahaha.... No more need for all those online dating sites... juts sing in the kitchen... BEST jua tu....
how about
mentioning someone's name and if he or she turns up, he will live a long life.....
Screw plastic surgery and vitamins man, its the best thing to do, hahaha and I wont have to watch that program 'how to live longer' what...... and its free.....
Thanks Guest, if you have anymore let me know... and let me know who you are cause then i can give the proper recognition and stuff like that....