mums cooking
ok, have you realised that when we watch tv, they usually talk bout food they normally have at home, words we usually hear are, meatloaf, potluck and a roast.....
well I was thinking wats the one thing that almost all houses have in Brunei.....
Ive decided that one meal Ive noticed is AYAM KICAP.... hehehe... and everybody has a favourite... the one i love at home is when my mum makes it, the kuah is thickish but banyak. and then its bit bit pedas.... BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!
ok, if you agree, please describe yours. hahaha. But im sure you guys have other opinions about what you think is a norm at your houses....
I must tell you though another thing that we all love is eggs.... omelets, sunny side up, hard boiled, half boiled... we love eggs.... dont forget that we must have the obligatory chopped onions and sometimes you have your lada hidup......
Growing up a staple of the dining table was either curry, any kind of curry... my late dad was a curry freak, and he cooked the best curry in the world!!!!! hahaha.... yeah yeah your parents cook the best to you guys too.... but then we would also have corned beef and an omelet... hahaha... NUTRITIONAL to the maximum....
But lemme know what your home favourites are.... i like food, i like reading bout food, i especially love eating it... of course!!!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
My mom makes the best sup tulang in the whole wide world, and that reminds me so much of home.
On par with this is my dad's mee goreng, specially mee teow.
I do agree that almost every household di brunei ada it's own rendition of ayam masak kicap.
Mom makes it pedas, pekat and a bit of lemak hehehhehe , am drooling already.
I have to say my mums speciality has got to be her ikan asam pedas! I think when you cook with a proper clyapot with this dish you absolutely get a lot of flavour of it. I would end up eating rice dip in with all the leftover kuah of the asam pedas in the claypot itself! haha
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