Tuesday, May 22, 2007

wats wat

ever noticed how we as bruneians always seem to have an ever changing lingo that if you're not diligent can leave you behind faster than

well when I was still in school ages and ages ago..... the in thing was to say

M.T.K.I............. hahaha. oh the fun we had with that......

the different groups with their use of BRU-da, bro, yo, dude, babe, dang, daling.. its endless....

But for me its a tell-tale sigh of where i know you from and who you hang out with... example.....

DANG..... we all know who you hang out with when you start calling all female-like humanoids that... or who your friends spend time with..... dont forget the cool phrases and slang and code... hahaha.....

I think I have learnt my best SARCASM from these folk..... But understand if you dont have a good sense of humor and a tough skin you're better off without these fantastic fabolous femme fatales in your dreary lives.....

whilst hanging out with the band I had to introduce BRO and DALING in my everyday vocabulary.....

How come BRO sounds so kewl and then they turn around see you got tits and they call you SIS.... honestly speaking.... NADA RUGGED ler.... mebe its the way its said... SIS.... BE-ROW....mebe cause it sounds like SISSSSSY.... SISSSSTEM.....SISSSNOPSIS....... yeah I dont like it.....

Just to add, since when is..... BU-LEH and KALAU PAHAM BISAI so kewl, hahaha, yes I am guilty of using these phrases too...... They bring such sweet satisfaction, the emphasis we put on these phrases is amazing....... hahaha....

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