VALENTINES DAY....... The day where lovers and couples hold hands and have dinner and express there undying love for each other..... Inevitably, everyone will receive roses,
teddy bears, blah blah blah......

Alot of us always associate LOVE with cupid. Songs, poems, novels even research papers mention either LOVE or CUPID himself...... Mr Matchmaker extraodinaire....But did ever hear of PSYCHE... man even Cupid wants to get it on kali ah.... Kesian la, imagine, years and years hes in charge of getting people together, watching people fall inlove so they also can GET IT ON!!!! But not to worry, he himself is selfish sometimes.....

Psyche's quest to win back Cupid's love when it is lost to her first appears in The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius in the 2nd century AD. Psyche is a princess so beautiful that the goddess Venus becomes jealous. In revenge, she instructs her son Cupid to make her fall in love with a hideous monster; but instead he falls in love with her himself. He becomes her unseen husband, visiting her only at night. Psyche disobeys his orders not to attempt to look at him, and in doing so she loses him. In her search for him she undertakes a series of cruel and difficult tasks set by Venus in the hope of winning him back. Cupid can eventually no longer bear to witness her suffering or to be apart from her and pleads their cause to the gods. Psyche becomes an immortal and the lovers are married in heaven

What do us singletons do on VALENTINES DAY, or as we like to say V-Day, ok fine, HAPPY VD people. THat was funny what... being purile and immature is part of humor too lah. Anyways....
Id like to thank my friends, married, with boyfriends, girlfriends... They always make us feel alot better by saying, VALENTINES is for everyone, LOVE for ur friends and family too, den they leave us at home so they can go on their dates... hahaha.... I am not griping, its just funny....
Me and Denise from RAINFOREST GALLERY, (she got some really kewl jewellry, murah somemore) were laughing bout it yesterday. Hehehe. How if u dont go out as a couple, you go out as a group to laugh at these couples.... But some of these couples really make such effort to go out and 'CELEBRATE' their love, tapi they spend more time talking to the waiter then to each other..... what would u do in that situation?

But yeah I spent VALENTINES DAY alone at home watching DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.... Whatever, I had a good time......

PS: go check out RAINFOREST GALLERY, the accessories there are beautiful and AFFORDABLE, and if u wanna take some painting lessons can also and they sell art supplies too. Just go up the staircase next to MAMIH d Qlap. Turn right at the very top, its the 3rd shop I think. Go check it out......
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