Sunday, December 10, 2006

selfish (11-02-06)

to be selfish, Ive always thought that it was a bad thing. Maybe cause its always used in a bad context, to be selfish, to only think of urself. WOW. an opinion that it usually frowned upon by most societies

SELFISH :To be concerned with your own interests, needs, and wishes while ignoring those of others

its amazing how people now preach the opposite, how being selfless has led to instances of self-SACRIFICE. Now altruism is a bad thing (yes i looked through my thesaurus for that word, but i understand what it means..... BANAR) hehehe.

but yeah, when does it become alright to put urself above others, SELF-love and all that. When does helping your fellow man turn u into a PEOPLE-PLEASER. the concepts vary with a private perception i guess. reasoning and personal intepretation playing their part in that one.

Knowing that your role in the bigger scheme of things is to be the sacrificial lamb, entering the situation with mental clarity and still be willingly led to your own slaughter, is that pathetic, even with your own motives, good and BAD intentions. sounds like suicide to me. Integrity (i like this word, sums up alot) OR all round peace. one person for a whole group.

YES! I do believe in the greater good. To you cynics out there u must seriously be thinking of bursting my beautiful bubble. But if we are all selfish then where would that leave the UN-enlightened, the ignorant, the ones without the knowledge.

Thats just great! I have successfully just made it sound like my actions would change the world. Haha. Ever wonder how things are only as important as u make them out to be. And how things affecting urself r always such a big deal.

I truly see the benefits of SELF-importance, putting urself on top of list of priorities, but since we r living in a world FULL OF PEOPLE, i guess this is gonna take some time.

To say NO, a lesson I thought I learnt years and years ago, isnt NO one of the first words people learn as a child. But as u age it becomes harder to say, as u ponder the pros and cons of each and every crossroad in ur life. and the consequences, how it affects u and the people around u. It becomes 2nd nature almost to keep the peace, to ignore the negativity, to try to make the best of each situation..... my train of thought has so missed the station. Those aboard who were thought they were heading to my point, I apologise, I took a detour, as usual. But dont we all....... detour down ramble lane....

ok. my point is, that its my blog and if it doesnt make sense to u, it sorta kinda does to me, ok mebe not, but hey at least its been interesting

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