Monday, September 15, 2008

100 days

wow.... its been a hundred days, I went to his house expecting to see him smoking in his kitchen, but all there is, are photos and fuzzy fuzzy memories. It's just so final.... thats exactly it... DEATH is so FINAL......

His children are still growing up as quick as they can...... Life goes on, even after you have.....

I just wish I could be there more.....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thanks for all the comments. How do you guys find me???? Its nice to know that you guys think Im important enough to link and comment. Even Constructive criticisms are welcomed with open arms.

First things first, have you heard of Aunty May? Funny right. I'm so HAPPY that Bruneians are willing to laugh and not be too sensitive. I'm sure you guys wouldnt have been so open minded 5 years ago. It says alot about where we Bruneians are now. We're willing to support our beliefs, even if it is in the form of smses and logging on to the webcam. ITS GREAT!!!! A few years ago, I'm sure there would have been comments of, 'eh, nda bisai eh.' OR 'Capi-capi jua, siapakan tu???'

So CONGRATS or KUDOS( everybody seems to like using this word so I will too, what is a kudo exactly?) to KRISTAL FM for being brave enough to give Bruneians something different. Oh Gosh, I love you to PELANGI, National, Pilihan..... No offence.

I'm hoping this is the start of something wonderful, Bruneians are supporting local talent? YES this is all part of it. Lets bring back some healthy competition, which will only be a breeding ground for bigger better shows and radio.......... YES YES YES!!!! But play fair, dont be jealous and bitch, do something better. Dont just say who's better prove it. Without insults and harsh comments. Lets get rid of that part of us. Its regressive and STUPID NO SCHOOL!!!!

ALRIGHT, I am now a stepmother, so I am starting something new, it will definately pop up once in awhile, presenting.................


wow, its the fasting month tomorrow. Are you excited? I am..... Its funny how it seems much more fun when you have kids. Its so ridiculous when you think about it. Me and my cousins were complaining a few years ago how boring, how hot, why do we need to do this..... BLAH BLAH BLAH.....

Now the baju's are made.... (I used to run around like a headless chicken a week before trying in desperation to find a tailor to make even one), shoes have been bought or will be, cakes, celebrations..... Its nuts, Ive even bought hair accessories for my little girl to wear.

I've only realised how much effort my mum makes every year. I took it for granted that every family makes such an effort. Ive suddenly realised that my mum makes puasa such a special month that we look forward to it. Maybe cause she starves us from salt and anything unhealthy, this is the time when MY MUM will be cooking all her great dishes.... Im so excited....

Ive realised that because of my mum, we as a family have taken to puasa and raya as almost christmas, without the presents and the christianity. Its a time for family, its wonderful... and tiring....

My point is, now ive got two kids, and I want them to feel this way too. Here my friends is the problem. Oh well, fingers crossed.