its been a long, long year........... ever noticed how everything happens at the same time? Its almost hilarious......... I set out in the beginning of the year in a daze, I still am.........
Dealing with my late dad's death, suddenly taking on the responsibility of 6 kids, plus the 2 buggers at home, their well-being, school, even psychologically and emotionally. The mothers that came with them......... OK paula I'll stop.
But, I was daddy's litle girl (though im so far from being little nowadays), and i guess even though I never saw him and we always fought, I was secure that whatever I did my daddy would always be there.......... Even now, I still cant fully grasp that he's gone, does anyone?
With all of this, came the company, now i have to make sure that this company survives, so that the family has resources, from thinking bout myself, to thinking bout the whle picture, being the sole provider, even Hari Raya was so so different, I usually jus go all out for myself with what ever limited resources I have. This year, I even went shoe shopping early, what i seriously planned for raya? usually im the one running around looking for places to do my baju last minute. hahaha
Slowly Ive given up my night life...... I said SLOWLY right.. means its still der........ but alot less........
But suddenly MUSIC came full swing into my life again, what? Now I have gigs.........
But seriously, Im grateful,